Current Research Projects
These projects are currently underway at the Adult Development and Psychometrics Lab. If you would like more information, you can call the lab or use the link below to send an e-mail.
A Snapshot of the Mental Health and Wellbeing of Canadians and Americans
The purpose of this study is to examine the mental health and wellbeing of Canadian and American adults across a wide age range (18-85 years) at this stage of the COVID-19 pandemic and evaluate the quality of these mental health measures.
Who? Adults living in Canada or the U.S. who: (1) are 18-85 years of age and (2) read English.
What? You will be asked to complete several mental health and wellbeing measures, a brief health measure and some demographic questions in English.
Where? The study will take place in a location that is mutually convenient. Thus, it may take place at the University of British Columbia, at your home, or at another location (e.g., local café, community centre).
How long? Participation takes about 10-15 minutes.
Will I be paid? You can choose to be entered into a draw for 1 of 2 gift cards worth $25 each.
Contact Info: If you have any questions about the study or would like to take part, we’d like to hear from you! Please contact us via e-mail at or call Dr. Hubley at 604-822-9223 and mention the “self-esteem study”.
This study is expected to continue until July 13, 2022.
There are several projects in which data presently are being analyzed or written up for dissemination. These include:
- Crisis Centre Study: Is There a Crisis at the Crisis Centre?
- Meeting Measurement Goals: How Do Respondents Process Items in Questionnaires
- Homelessness and Housing in Transition (HHiT) Study
- Memory, Age, and Wellbeing Study
- Subjective Happiness Scale: Reliability and Validity Evidence with a Homeless or Vulnerably Housed Adult Sample
Primary researchers/authors: Dr. Anita Hubley, Nathan Roberson - The Bicycle Drawing Test: Psychometric Properties, Validity Evidence, and a Comparison of Scoring Methods
Primary researchers/authors: Dr. Anita Hubley, Lydia Hamilton - Screening for Depression in Older Adults: Introduction of a New Measure Designed Specifically for Older Adults
Primary researchers/authors: Dr. Anita Hubley, Dr. Maeve Mangaoang, Shane Burke - Quality of Life for Homeless and Hard-to-House Individuals (QoLHHI): Construct Validation of the Health and Living Conditions Sections
Primary researchers/authors: Dr. Anita Hubley, Dr. Susan Farrell, Bruce MacLaurin, Dr. Anne Gadermann - A Comparison of the Hubley Depression Scale for Older Adults and the Geriatric Depression Scale: Criterion, Convergent, and Discriminant Validity
Primary researchers/authors: Sherrie Myers, Dr. Anita Hubley