Dr. Hubley receives Killam Teaching Prize in May 2017, with Prof. Lee Gunderson (ECPS Head) on the left and Prof. Blye Frank (Dean of Faculty of Education) on the right
Awards: 2016/17 Killam Teaching Prize
My primary interests in teaching cover four areas:
- Applied Measurement & Psychometrics
- Testing and Assessment
- Neuropsychology and Neuropsychological Assessment
- Adult Development and Aging
I also have interests in potentially teaching courses related to (a) Substance Use/Addictions, and (b) Social Psychological Foundations given my research and background training.
UBC Courses Taught (2010-2024)
CNPS 532B (Psychological Assessment in Counselling)
Psychological assessment is an integral part of the counselling process and may be used to assist both counsellors and clients to identify problems and issues, improve communication, promote self-awareness and self-exploration, consider and select options for growth or exploration, and track the effectiveness of the counselling approach and process. The focus of this course will be on awareness of, and the appropriate selection, administration, scoring, and interpretation of, a variety of commonly used psychological measures in counselling settings. Thus measures related to personality, career, couple and family interactions, mental health and risk assessment, and the counselling process will be reviewed. In addition, this course includes a brief review of the DSM-5, interviewing, multicultural competencies, and guidelines for the ethical use of tests. Importantly, this course is not a substitute for the supervised experience required to establish competence in the independent use of psychological assessment techniques. Note: EPSE 528 is the required prerequisite.
EPSE 528 (Basic Principles of Measurement)
Many students find themselves in the position of having to choose measures or even develop their own measure as part of their thesis or other research or practice work. This foundational course provides an introduction to educational, psychological, and health measurement. Three areas will be emphasized: (1) theory and principles (e.g., reliability, validity, classical test theory), (2) applications and issues (e.g., history and context), and (3) practical elements (e.g., selection and evaluation of tests, making use of measurement information, developing tests and validating inferences). The goals of this course are for students to: (a) recognize the role of measurement in their lives, (b) understand some of the history and context surrounding measurement and testing, (c) be exposed to examples of measurement and testing, (d) understand current and historical terminology and ideas used in measurement and testing, (e) know what to consider when selecting tests, (f) know where to get information about tests and measures, (g) know how the quality of measurement relates to interpretations of findings and decision-making, and (h) know what to consider when developing a test, selecting items, or validating inferences. EPSE 528 is not a statistics course. Note: An undergraduate level statistics course is a required prerequisite. [Dr. Hubley teaches this course every Fall.]
EPSE 529 (Development of Scales and Measures)
This seminar course builds on the knowledge gained in EPSE 528 by providing a more advanced discussion of issues related to the development of scales and measures and providing hands-on experience developing, administering, scoring, and evaluating the psychometric properties of a measure as well as making recommendations for revisions. As we progress through the course, we will explore principles of scale development, how to write ‘good items’ and avoid bad ones, role of standardization of administration and scoring instructions, choosing the best response format (including number of response options, whether you should use a midpoint or odd number of options, using labels or not), formatting of measures and how layout can affect your data, online data collection using software such as FluidSurveys, test translation and adaptation, and the application of item analysis, factor analysis, and the evaluation of psychometric properties such as reliability and validity. This course is strongly recommended for anyone planning to pursue applied, clinical, or research studies/careers involving the use of tests and measures. Note: EPSE 528 is the required prerequisite. [Dr. Hubley is expecting to teach this course in Winter (Jan.-Apr.) 2025. This course is offered on rotation.]
EPSE 568 (Applied Developmental Neuropsychology)
This course, which is designed to meet core requirements related to the category of ‘biological bases of behaviour’ for students in accredited programs, provides a comprehensive overview of the fundamental principles of human neuropsychology across the lifespan. Students will learn about the history of neuropsychology, basic neuroanatomy, lateralization, brain function (e.g., somatosensory, motor, auditory, and visual systems; language; memory, attention, and executive functioning), and numerous brain disorders that cover the lifespan, including genetic and chromosomal disorders (e.g., William’s syndrome), learning and behavioural disorders (e.g., autism), cerebrovascular accidents (e.g., stroke) and brain tumors, traumatic brain injury, and addiction. The goals of this course are for students to: (a) recognize the relevance of neuropsychology to their personal and professional lives, (b) understand some of the history and context of neuropsychological theory and procedures, (c) learn and understand neuropsychological terminology, (d) develop a basic foundation in neuroanatomy, (e) understand brain-behaviour relationships, and (f) be exposed to a variety of brain disorders and related case studies. [Dr. Hubley is teaching this course in Winter (Jan.-Apr.) 2024. The course is offered every two years.]
EPSE 581A (Special Topics in Measurement, Evaluation, and Research)
2025 Topic: Translation and Adaptation of Tests and Measures
Globalization, as well as increased cross-cultural research and testing, has led to the need for test adaptation. Nonetheless, it is rare to find courses on this topic. The purposes of this advanced seminar course are to (a) introduce you to key concepts, approaches, phases, and issues in test adaptation, (b) develop your critical thinking skills about test adaptation, and (c) build on and apply your knowledge and critical thinking skills in this area. Upon successful completion of this course, you will be well positioned to critique, provide guidance on best practices in, and propose, test adaptation work. Note: EPSE 528 is the required prerequisite.
EPSE 681A (Advanced Topics in Measurement, Evaluation, and Research)
2018 Topic: Advanced Measurement Validity – Theory and Applications
Despite the importance of validity in research and applied fields, many test developers and users have difficulty articulating what is meant by ‘validity’ and validity evidence and even more difficulty effectively planning validation studies, interpreting their results, and explaining their findings. Our goals in this doctoral level seminar are to: (a) build on the knowledge you have gained in EPSE 528 (Basic Principles of Measurement) about classical test theory, reliability, validity, and the five sources of validity evidence presented in the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing, (b) further understand the role of constructs and Messick’s work in modern validity theory, (c) delve into some key validity debates that have occurred over the past 20 years through the use of special issues devoted to these issues, and (d) apply your knowledge about test validation as well as enhance your awareness of practical issues in test validation work. Upon successful completion of this course, you will have a solid grasp of contemporary thinking around validity and validity theory as well as the skills to initiate validation work.
Previous Courses Taught (1994-2009)
Previous graduate courses taught include: EPSE 592 (Experimental Designs and Analysis in Educational Research), EPSE 601B (Doctoral Seminar: Preparing Dissertation and Grant Proposals), EPSE 604 (Self-Concept across the Lifespan), PSYC 725 (Cognitive-Neuropsychological Assessment), PSYC 726 (Personality Assessment), PSYC 800 (Ph.D. Seminar I)
Previous undergraduate courses taught include: EPSE 482 (Introduction to Statistics for Research in Education), PSYC 102 (Introductory Psychology), PSYC 315 (Design and Analysis of Psychological Research I), PSYC 316 (Design and Analysis of Psychological Research II), PSYC 415 (Advanced Development: Adulthood & Aging), PSYC 450 (Tests and Measures)